According to the Puget Sound Business Journal, Seattle will continue to provide its large grocery store workers with hazardous duty pay. The pay is an extra $4 per hour. Workers have been collecting this money since January of 2021.
Seattle witnessed recent efforts to try and throw out the city ordinance that mandates hazard pay. In fact, since the ordinance was adopted, grocery store chains and associations have lobbied the city to do away with it. The parties argue that higher wages would cause store closures and higher prices. The city, though, has agreed to keep the ordinance in place.
Under the ordinance, grocery businesses with at least 500 employees must continue to pay frontline workers an additional $4 an hour. The additional money is intended to:
A statement from Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell’s office says that he will monitor pandemic conditions and, over the next several weeks, determine an appropriate end date for the hazard pay ordinance.
We first want to take a moment to thank all front-line workers for their bravery and dedication since the outbreak of the COVID virus. We appreciate everything you do and support you in all your efforts.
We understand the arguments set forth by grocery chains and grocer associations. There is a fear that extra pay may cause store closures and the resulting loss of jobs. This is definitely not a good thing. But on the upside of the issue, it does not appear that the mandate has had this impact. With Seattle’s Mayor assessing the situation, we’re confident that he will take action if the mandate starts to cause closures and disruptions in the work force. We’re also a bit curious to see if other cities will continue to provide grocers with hazard pay.
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