In July of 2020, Amazon introduced ASIN-level quantity limits for select FBA products due to supply chain issues brought on by COVID-19. Effective April 22, 2021, FBA products will no longer be subject to ASIN-level quantity limits. Now, restock limits will be set at the storage-type level. According to Amazon, the company made the change in response to seller feedback and to offer sellers more inventory flexibility.
A few comments are worth noting here.
Amazon policies set forth four main types of storage categories. These are:
You can find your particular restock limits on the Inventory performance or Shipping Queue pages in Seller Central. Scroll down to the bottom of either page and click on the Restock Limits menu. There you’ll find your specific numbers by storage type.
According to Amazon, there should not be an issue provided that the shipment was created prior to the new change going into effect.
According to a company statement: “Shipments created under the previous ASIN Quantity Limits policy, including shipments which are already on the way, will continue to be received as normal and will not be canceled.”
According to Brand Focus Digital, we believe many will favor the removal of ASIN-level quantity limits. However, the new restock limits will not favor all manufacturers across the board.
For example, the new limits will likely present some difficulties for high volume sellers and sellers of seasonal items.
If you find that the new restock limits are unfavorable to your operations, we recommend you monitor the situation and contact Amazon if you continue to experience problems. Amazon already tweaked its policies once. It might do so again in light of continued demand for greater flexibility.
In addition, it’s always important to diversify your fulfillment methods and selling channels. If Amazon restock hinders your ability to send inventory, fulfill Amazon orders via your own warehouse or a 3 PL. You can also sell on other eCommerce channels. This helps to continue move your inventory while building your business.
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